Lontong Kupang Dan Sinom Khas Jawa timuran

Keinget makanan niich klo pergi kesurabaya apa lagi klo bukan kupang dan Sinom,pasti klo ke surabaya tak pernah absen untuk sepasang makanan dan minuman ini selalu harus

Nih salah satu minuman favorit gue dan keluarga Namanya Sinom. Minuman tradisional khas Jawa Timuran yang biasa gue temui di daerah Surabaya dan Sidoarjo. Warnanya kuning dengan aroma dan rasa yang khas. Terbuat dari asam jawa dan kunyit.

Biasanya Sinom dijual dalam botol-botol tinggi seperti botol air mineral. Dijual di toko oleh-oleh misalnya Sidoarjo. Sejak gue masih kecil, keluarga ga pernah beli oleh-oleh lain selain minuman SINOM mungkin di daerah gue bojonegoro jarang yg jual.

Setiap gue ke surabaya gue selalu sempetin ke tempat penjual Sinom, gue sering melihat pembeli yang memborong oleh-oleh dalam partai besar bahkan berkardus-kardus. Toko langganan gue ini  punya desain kardus sendiri dan cara membungkusnya pun rapi, tidak menggunakan tali rafia.

Selain Sinom, keluarga gue acap kali membeli kerupuk udang, petis, dan berbagai olahan laut lainnya,yaaa khas jawa timuranlah

Ga heran, soalnya Sidoarjo sendiri letaknya dekat dengan laut sehingga variasi makanan lautnya beragam. Bukan cuma kerupuk atau makanan kering saja, lho. Sidoarjo juga punya masakan laut yang ga kalah lezatnya yaitu Kupang.

Ngomong-ngomong soal Sinom tak nyaman niie klo tak menyantap makanan yang satu ini “kupang”,makanan yang satu ini adanya cuma di Pasuruan,surabayadan sidoarjo yang gendhis tau.

Kupang ini makanan berkuah yang jarang gue temuin di sidoarjo. Gue baru satu kali menikmati, itu pun di dekat Bandara Juanda. Postingan ini sebagai bentuk rasa kangen gue pada semangkuk Kupang. Gue belum pernah liat penjualn Kupang di luar Surabaya Sidoarjo atau Pasuruan.

Bahkan waktu gue sempat tinggal di Lamongan pun gue ga liat. Mungkin karena lamongan bukan daerah ahli pembuat “kupang” kali ya. Ingatan gue soal letak geografis agak jelek nih.

klo makanan khas jawa timur lainnya kaya Rawon,soto,itu sudah umum dan se jawa timur bisa buat…

Tahu Tek cuisine ”East Java”

prescription make Tahu Tek ”East Java
Tofu Recipes To Make Tech — Here is a Recipe For Making tahu Tek, or tahu tek tek-based know that you can try to complete the dish side dishes. Here’s the recipe:
know Tech
  Materials tahu Tech

2 pieces of tofu, diced
50 grams of tempeh, diced
1 piece of potato, diced
50 grams of bean sprouts, brewed
1 item teluar, split the two parts
1 tablespoon of fried onions

Seasonings Fine tahu Tech

50 grams fried peanuts ah tan
1 1/2 tablespoon shrimp paste
1 red chilies, thinly sliced
5 pieces of red chili, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons sweet kecapa
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cloves of garlic

Complementary tahu Tech

shrimp crackers

tahu How to Make Tech

Fried tofu and tempeh until half cooked, in turn, set aside.
Fry the potatoes until cooked, set aside.
Tata tofu in a bowl, add the potatoes tempeh, and bean sprouts. Flush with ground spices, sprinkle with fried onions. Serve with prawn crackers.

Thus Recipes To Make Tech Know this time

Unique Food From Indonesia

Many processed foods of Indonesia one of them unique OTAK OTAK , yes the brain of the brain can be made from a variety of staple fish example of milkfish, tenggiri and others depending on our tastes
Please try:

Rara hooked very same brains, fried or baked. Continue when the clay event teryata investigation brains are sold by the producers as well diakalin with borax, bleach etc. halaaaaah so paranoid then blast babar not ever again buy brains. Incidentally now there ponakan2 school holidays at home, yes I pikir2 what activities can involve anak2 be useful also yes’ve was decided to make this otak2 * orang2 mah invites his son ngehias cupcake in mah cuman mall2 I invite nguplek in the kitchen huehehheheh

Hunting recipe and return again to the NCC recipe hehehehe but I do not carefully read a little ‘how tobe before burning it nih I first steamed wkwkwkkw * knowledgeably high level
I use half of this recipe

1 kg of meat mackerel
150 g of corn starch farmer
100 ml egg whites
150 gr sugar
400 ml thick coconut milk cold
2 tbsp garlic finely
2 tablespoons red onion finely
30 grams of salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp MSG (optional) > I do not wear
5 tbsp chives, finely sliced

How to Make:

1   Mix well and knead: coconut milk, fish meat, seasonings (except chives), add corn starch, egg white and sugar, mix again until the dough becomes thick.
2    Slamslam the dough to get the chewy dough
3     Enter into the plastic triangles, spray onto one sheet of banana leaf.
4    Roll up and stick pin with two ends. Roasted over the embers, or use
5     frying pan, allow it to fragrance, lift

Peanut sauce

100 grams of peanuts, fried and mashed
2 cloves garlic, fried whole
2 pieces of cayenne pepper
2 red chilies
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 tsp vinegar / lemon juice
150 ml of hot water

How to make:
Puree garlic, cayenne pepper and red pepper. Mix with finely ground nuts. Add salt, sugar and vinegar. Stir well. Pour hot water. Stir until blended. Taste it seems, if anything it is less fit the tastes please add yourself ya

Good luck. Hopefully yes Klo less suitable match other kitchen please peep, xixixiixixiiii : p